Neverwinter is certainly an interesting place for the PCs to visit and perhaps to have their home base at.

The Savage Frontier doesn’t give us much in the way of gameable information on the city but it does sound like a magical place. And it certainly is when you also include information from later AD&D sources.

But when thinking about what kind of adventures you could have with a party based in Neverwinter, I noticed that all the wilderness you can reach from there is the Neverwinter Wood. And I don’t think there’s ever been any kind of information on anything interesting within or about that forest. It got a volcano in it, which is unusual. But that alone is not a hook for any kind of adventure.

The only adventure hook I can think of for Neverwinter is a threat from the captains or the Arcane Brotherhood from nearby Luskan, but that probably would mean setting out from Neverwinter to have adventures in Luskan.

What could a group of PCs that sets up camp in Neverwinter do in the city’s surroundings? I believe there’s never been anything written about Neverwinter Wood. But do you have any ideas to fill it with interesting sites and antagonists that are inspired by or extrapolate on what information we have?