Educating Your Guesses: How To Quantify Risk and Uncertainty - Sara Anstey - BSides Knoxville - 37 minutes

At its core, cybersecurity is all about risk. We need to understand, report, and mitigate our risk. However, the industry adopted methods for analyzing risk lead to inaccurate assessments, invalid math, and ultimately bad decision making and spending. I will show you why, and how to fix it.

Asking for budget and justifying spend in cybersecurity departments can be a difficult task due to limited data and high uncertainty of future events. This talk will dive into quantitative risk analysis as it relates to cybersecurity - how to model uncertain events and understand financial risk. Attendees will see a first hand demonstration of how quantitative modeling can be used to communicate risk and understand ROI. Attendees will walk away with the tools needed to present cyber risk as a dollar amount that can be easily understood by other business decision makers at their company.