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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023


  • You are doing that thing where you are replying to something that you made up in your mind instead of the message that I wrote, because you were really hoping that I would say boycotts don’t work because your whole argument is based on it

    Customers leaving bad reviews somewhere that is visible and influential to future potential customers works. It stops people buying the game and demonstrates discontent to the vendor. That’s it.

  • “Nothing is black and white”

    Or in other words, you have no point to make and just wanted to try and have a closing comment, offering nothing of substance to the point or the discussion other than a sarcastic “have a nice day” and some vague virtue signalling/insult. Well, thanks for wrapping up the discussion for me I suppose…

    I understand people very well, I have had a long career of doing so. To suggest that people have no responsibility for what they consume is incel-level pathetic. Touch some grass and grow up.

  • You clearly have very little experience in the real world. People need to do better, because the freedom of the press and the propensity of businesses to provide goods and services isn’t going anywhere.

    Just like being responsible for who you vote for, and a vehicle that you drive, you need to take some responsibility for the things you do, and what makes you act.

    This is a common argument used to blame victims in rape cases - “she was wearing something provocative and I couldnt control my impulses”.

    Your reaction to certain things is within your control. It is up to you to do something about it. If you aren’t in control and you are addicted to something, then get help - it’s that simple.

    This adolescent infancy must stop if anything is to move forwards.

  • Dra@lemmy.ziptoGames@lemmy.worldDiablo 4's new mount costs more than the actual game
    7 months ago

    This whole attitude of “its not their fault they can’t help but hand over their money and buy overpriced shit” has got to stop

    Economics is very simple here: there is supply, there is demand. If demand outstrips supply, the price will rise. This includes when is artificially restricted (or the market is flooded with alternatives by the same vendor to give the feeling of scarcity).

    The demand for streaming services is the same. People will take the hit, so the price goes up until they can’t anymore.

    The generation is contributing to inflation because of inability to restrain themselves from buying frivolous shit for extortionate amounts of money, because they can’t psychologically cope with doing without something, then complaining that no jobs pay enough while they try to launch an onlyfans career. Every generation has it’s flaws.

    This then makes prices rise for everyone. The infantilzation to suggest they cant help themselves is astonishing. Companies are not going to stop making profit without intervention.

  • Xenophobia is irrational fear. There is plenty of rational fears, particularly for working class people who see their existence challenged on a daily basis.

    What the general narrative suggests (and what you seem to be approaching here too) is disingenuously characterising much of this fear as one of superiority - or in other words predatory, superior views and behaviour. It’s nearly always fear of the unknown, or of threats, whatever those might be.

  • Unpopular take incoming: The Left is principally made up of people who are Agreeable, so they want to help others rather than win resources over others. What happened is the Left are unable to draw lines and limits on certain issues for fear of causing pain. The end result is this alienates a lot of swing voters, often in the working classes.

    The Left has always been a haven of the middle classes. They become so preoccupied with calling working class people bigots / stupid, that they forget that the working classes often feel the impact of politics more strongly and are more incentivised to vote.

    This is an issue with the left deviating from reason and reality due to an increasing population of younger left wing supporters who have barely spent any time in physical reality, being the most online generation yet. Some of the physical realities that affect the largely natively white working class population in western european countries simply do not occur to these middle class, left wing people.

    Migrant workers competing for jobs and class (being told they are better than you and being passed over on jobs by them), eco friendly and green societal initiatives making things often less functional and more expensive, etc etc.

    One could blame the ruling classes for some of these elements but truth be told, the bottom half of the middle classes start feeling these effects, they start to see a different perspective too.

    Politics has always, and will always follow Economics.

  • This and your username simply reads as short-sighted, uneducated and immature. Not all change is good, and by definition, some things being conserved is good. However, the balance must be struck, and in the UK we have a long and reasonable history of it ocillating between polarities every few years.

    However, 23 years of Conservative rule is not anything close to balance. Austerity and all. Change is sorely needed. The profiteering and upward soak of money must tilt in the other direction for a while, for the sake of people like in the original post.