Just a refugee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Here’s an NPR article I found on one of the major opposition parties that is succeeding this year.

    … ‘its charismatic, Harvard University-educated candidate for prime minister told NPR: “Demilitarize, demonopolize and decentralize — that’s how you democratize Thailand. That’s the endgame,”’ … … In the past two decades, [the establishment] has staged two coups while Thailand’s courts have brought down three opposition prime ministers and dissolved several opposition parties. … “You have to imagine a lot of Thais, powerful Thais, elites, they have a lot of stakes in the system that were set up over the last seven decades … they bought into the system. And Move Forward is a direct challenge.”

  • Yeah it’s kinda unimaginable to me as well but this seems about the same as other union elections I’ve been close to. Still a better turnout than most US government elections. It’s probably good to note that some union-busting tactics are meant to decrease turnout or create fear that there might be negative repercussions for voting at all. This was a factor in the Amazon unionization drives that failed last year.