Maven (famous)

They/them NB

The most annoying thing about being famous is having to tell everyone how famous you are.


  • 14 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024


  • I don’t see hypocrisy in thinking that it’s okay for someone not to want to be treated like a sex object while also not liking when that same person treats others differently based on their gender.

    These are unrelated criticisms and can stand alone. I think it is a good thing when actors have a say in how they are presented on screen, especially in a sex sense, and that’s why intimacy coordinators are a thing and should be more widely used.

    As for the second one, you’re right. I misremembered a thing I read 2 years ago about someone who isn’t the main point of what I read. There isn’t much more to it. I’m not perfect, as has been clearly shown throughout this whole conversation. It felt like the lesser of the things brought up since it was a genuine misremembering of what was written and had very little to do with what I was saying.

  • You’re all good :D this turned into a much more heated conversation in general and I also apologize for starting it. I should’ve included the primary source in the original message in the first place either way.

    I’m also sorry this turned out the way it did and I really appreciate and accept your apology. Lemmy is small enough that it’s very possible we’ll be seeing each other’s names in the future (and probably often) and I want you to know that I will be thinking highly of you when I do.

  • Admittedly I did not do a lot of digging for the best source and instead just skimmed and saw it summarizing the stuff I’d heard before. The original information comes from a podcast but instead of sourcing the podcast, the article decided to source a reddit thread which was just a transcript of the podcast… Bad journalism and I should’ve found a better source to site here. Either way, the original transcript is shown in the article.

  • I’d seen this all multiple places before but doing a quick search here is a source on the most recent round of Netflix and superman stuff


    Personally I think a lot of this is overblown. Specifically the not wanting shirtless scenes and stuff is a personal thing that’s up to the comfort of the actor. The bits I don’t like are harassing women and his previous comments about the MeToo movement which make me far more likely to believe the current accusations against him.

  • I’d seen this all multiple places before but doing a quick search here is a source on the most recent round of Netflix and superman stuff


    Personally I think a lot of this is overblown. Specifically the not wanting shirtless scenes and stuff is a personal thing that’s up to the comfort of the actor. The bits I don’t like are harassing women and his previous comments about the MeToo movement which make me far more likely to believe the current accusations against him.

  • I’d seen this all multiple places before but doing a quick search here is a source on the most recent round of Netflix and superman stuff


    Personally I think a lot of this is overblown. Specifically the not wanting shirtless scenes and stuff is a personal thing that’s up to the comfort of the actor. The bits I don’t like are harassing women and his previous comments about the MeToo movement which make me far more likely to believe the current accusations against him.