
I have just used software to add communities from the most popular Lemmy instances to our Community catalogue under “All”. I have skimmed through and purged one community on the topic of piracy.

If you see any extremely offensive content, please let me know. This instance does not support racism, sexism, LGBTQ+ phobia, or other forms of hate.

If I become aware of a Lemmy instance that is continually violating our community norms, I will block it.

If there is a specific community that is highly offensive, I will try and use my moderator tools to purge it from our database.

Please be aware however, that Lemmy has very limited moderator tools at this time. An instance that has occasional offensive content, but is otherwise useful may be left in Federation. I still want to know about the problems, but consider blocking that particular community from your own account so you don’t have to see it anymore.

Please also be aware that the moderator/admin team is more tolerant of left-leaning instances. We will block any instance that is continuously hateful – but are faster to block right-wing and Trumpist instances.

We do have a political forum on Clinicians Exchange where most discussion of all political persuasions is usually tolerated if conducted in a respectful manner and tied to psychology and counseling topics.

Thanks, Michael