The Film, Television, and Theatre Department (FTT) intends to bring a drag performance to Notre Dame’s campus on Friday, November 3, the Rover learned in an interview with FTT professor Pam Wojcik.

This semester, Prof. Wojcik is teaching a class titled, “What a Drag: Drag on Screen—Variations and Meanings.” According to Wojcik, “Drag has traditionally been understood as someone who identifies as one sex dressed in the clothing of the other sex.” Drag has been a “major thread throughout the history of entertainment,” she told the Rover.

According to Wojcik, the event has four confirmed co-sponsors: the Department of Gender Studies, Department of Music, Department of American Studies, and the Initiative on Race and Resilience. Only the Department of Music responded to the Rover’s request for comment.

Wojcik acknowledged that there will likely be pushback to the event, stating, “There will be police and security for the foreseen protests.” Notre Dame Police Department did not reply to the Rover’s inquiry whether this security request has been made or accepted…