This is some 2000s scene group domination era shit isn’t it? I know topsites still exist for example but aren’t a lot of groups just P2P and will release directly to private trackers? As opposed to the old days when the scene groups dislike P2P
No, this is going on today and will in the future. But leaks from the scene will never stop. Because many are simultaneously in p2p.
FWIW, I remember having this image on my computer in like 2008. So you’re not far off.
Ew, camrips
I think camera icon there at the top is to represent the video not camrips, because they specificly say DVDs under the supliers. Scene has not done many camrips in fact looking at predb here only 2 shown 2003/2011. At the top is SCENE at the bottom is P2P.
Officially scene does not like P2P, unofficially however many scene members are themselfs from P2P and upload to P2P. Especially those at the top of the scene like top sites ops. But most leaks from the scene are done from couriers those who fxp releases from server to server.
I think this was probably designed to scare people away from piracy. If people think that pirated content will all be basic camrips they will be less likely to pirate.