Who had this on their bingo card?

  • nzodd@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    The right is willing to resort to credible threats of violence to achieve their selfish ends, even if it results in the destruction of all life on Earth.

    Meanwhile, otherwise decent people on the political left are too cowardly and comfortable to take the measures that are necessary to protect our world.

    • halvdan@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      If you’re implying what I think you’re implying, violence is rarely the way to go. It feeds on itself and those who are best at it or most inclined to use it tend to rise to the top and those are not the kind of people you want running things when the smoke has cleared. Those people tend to continue using those same methods that worked to get them where they are. History has numerous examples of when well meaning movements that came to power through violence and turned to crap afterwords because the leaders continued using violence to stay in power. Be very wary of simple solutions to complex problems.

      You are right in the sense that change is needed and change never comes easy. I think it is a mistake to blame the people, despite my click-baity first question above. People are just trying to get by and do not see a way to improve things. If you got a mortgage and a couple kids you gotta feed and the boss is on your back with ever more work and there’s just not enough time in the day, it is bloody hard to let go of that responsibility and join the revolution. Most people just want to get by and are too tired to do anything else. They are also fed an endless stream of propaganda that you got to succeed and if you just work hard you’re gonna get rich one day. It is all lies, of course, but it is not easy to see through all that massive indoctrination that you’ve been forcefed since you were born. The shitty schools does not help much either.

      Yes, people are too comfortable. But if your life is anything like I described above, you’re too bloody tired not to be. You just want to get a few hours to watch the TV or look through your Facebook feed before you crash into bed with a few beers to numb the pain. People are still believing in the rugged individualism and it must be their own fault if they don’t succeed. (Or some scary minority’s fault) It is a very compelling story. Letting go of all the things you’ve been told your whole life isn’t easy and there are very powerful forces doing all they can to prevent people from realizing they’ve been had. It’s much easier to lie to someone than convincing them they’ve been lied to. Do not blame the people, blame the system.