My girlfriend has never really gamed. But she’s now forced to move less than she would like to (health problem) and she’s getting bored. I was thinking of introducing her to a game or two that we could play together. She’s not the real action game type, and seeing as she has no experience with controller/mouse and keyboard I was thinking starting simple.

I can’t think of anything else than Factorio, as she likes organizing/keeping track of stuff.

Would you recommend against that or have anything better in mind? Let me know!

    8 months ago
    1. This is a cliche, but a lot of women I know play the Sims. Your girlfriend might like it as well.

    2. Wilmot’s Warehouse is a cool game about organizing a warehouse.

    3. I played a lot of Terraria with my sister. It’s 2D, so she did not get motion sickness. There’s a lot of costumes we could collect. (This was probably our favourite part of the game.)

      8 months ago

      Adding to the cliche list, Animal Crossing is another game to consider since it’s very chill and can be cozy. Has collections she can work on filling out, she can make a dope island, and make her house into a perfect living space.

      Another recommendation that might sound counter-intuitive but could work is Vermintide 2. It’s an action game that does have mechanical depth to it for the higher difficulties, but the game is very forgiving on the two easiest difficulties where you can just use whatever is fun and do decently well. The melee combat is very satisfying even when just going unga bunga, and it goes on sale frequently for like $5, so you both could pick up copies and have fun in a coop game where you’re bashing the heads of ratmen in with ease.