originally posted by /u/3skuero on 2022-01-08 12:51:38

As many others I was affected by the issue introduced on the last update that makes the Android statusbar overlap with the game UI partially hiding info such as orbs/feathers and overall breaking the immersion.

If your Android installation has an option to hide the status bar via a settings toogle just take that. Otherwise you are stuck waiting an update from IS but I found another workaround that was fine for me on my 2019 Galaxy Tab A if you want to try.

This guide assumes that you can access the device via ADB to write commands. I won’t go onto explaining how to do this since has been documented across the internet thousands of times over the years and it’s not very hard to do but if you want a well documented guide on how to setup it check this out:



  • Connect to the device via ADB adb shell
  • Once connected copy the following command and press enter:

settings put global policy_control immersive.status=com.nintendo.zaba

  • This basically adds the Heroes app id into a policy list that forces full inmersive mode.
  • Profit?¿
  • Once IS releases a patch you can reset the policy list back to nothing leaving the last part of the command clean:

settings put global policy_control immersive.status=