Hello there! Since we have this place for introductions, I figured I might as well make one.

I’m Kaltovar. My name is based on my Nationstates country, which is linked at the bottom of the page.

While my beliefs hold many similarities to the policies of Kaltovar, some of the country’s policies are either intended to be humorous or are otherwise not directly aligned with my own beliefs. If you’re curious whether I really support something that seems really extreme, there’s basically a 50/50 chance the answer is yes. Your best bet is to ask me about it.

Interests: Firearms, Grand Strategy games, economics/logistics, machine learning and particularly LLMs, convincing MtF catgirls to tie me to a radiator and facefuck me, being a degenerate piece of shit furry.

Politics: Cybernetic Federalism (Essentially a form of technocratic semi-democratic market socialism), pro free speech, pro science, certified fedora wearing Reddit Atheist.

Age: Approximately 30

Location: State of Maine, USA

Favorite hot beverage: Chai tea with too much sugar.

Most frequently consumed beverage: Green tea with no sugar.

Favorite gun from my collection: An SKS made at the Tula arms plant in 1952 the year before Stalin died and the same year the B-52 had its first flight! The ultimate cold war rifle!
