Hello, I’m a bit new to advanced linux and programming stuffs… Can someone explain me why compiling exists and what this process does and how to do it in the principals situations (I’ve heard that you can use the “makepkg” command). Thx to everyone who replied.
So it’s a bit like taking all the useful packages and mix it up in a clean package? And are .deb .rpm… packages made like that?
Yes, indeed. If you would want to you can re-compile Debian deb packages from Debian sources. To give you an idea : https://wiki.debian.org/apt-src There’s also Gentoo Linux which has a history of compiling software. Years ago that was interesting because of flags for compiling, make the resulting software optimized for certain CPU models.
That’s still true, dozens of us still use it!
I see. What are you optimizing for ? A smaller and faster kernel, or optimizing for certain CPU or certain other hardware parts ?
I don’t use it for the optimisations, I just prefer its package manager and ecosystem.