Hey there! This is a brand new instance. This means that it has not fully federated yet. In order to actually subscribe to external communities you will have to follow theese instructions:

Instructions on how to subscribe to external communities

External instances/communities are found like this “!{community name}@{instance name}”. For example: “!nostupidquestions@lemmy.world”, this refers to the community “nostupidquestions” in the instance “lemmy.world”. To actually subscribe to the external community, you will first have to search for it. You can do this at snkkis.me/search. If the community does not show up in the search menu after pressing the search button, go to the communities tab at snkkis.me/communities. Press the all button or just press here. It should now pop up! If not, try to search for the community again, and there it should be. Still facing problems? Contact me through private messages.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

This post is available in Norwegian, and nothing more atm.