I recently centered my hardware around the Electribe2 (hacktribe) as a central sequencing device. This beacme even more a thing since hacktribe implemented MIDI soft trough. Whats especially nice about this is the internal exporting wave function of it. Any synth connected and and sequenced via midi and of course audio via mixer in gets recorded to SD to have seperate stems. Sure thats nothing special when compared to an MPC one or Smpltrek but it seems to be something compared to a digitakt.

Downside seems to be that it only records the incoming audio with the same gate notes have despite the envelope settings on the synth. So if ou trigger long notes with short notes they will get cut. I think setting the deacy to max on the e2 changes this but its still faded out or a little different from what you played.

Maybe someone has more experience with the export function collecting erxternal synths. Originally I recorded the complete 4 bars of the external synth into one sample and let that play but its quite a bit of extra work per track and export is automatic sequential export.