@linux Sharing a ‘small’ inconvenience I had to fix with #opensuse #slowroll (I suspect #tumbleweed is the same) - I couldn’t launch snaps (spotify, bitwarden) after update - error was: cannot determine seccomp compiler version in generateSystemKey fork/exec /usr/lib/snapd/snap-seccomp: no such file or directory
The fix (I first tried re-installing, didn’t work) was to:
a. locate snap-seccomp - was in /usr/libexec/snapd
b. symlink: ln -s /usr/libexec/snapd /usr/lib/snapd
Are you sure snapcraft requires the original developer publish snaps? This seems unlikely, but they may have updated their policies.
Edit: they aren’t, Signal for example is an unofficial snap not published by the Signal developers but rather “snapcrafters” - https://snapcraft.io/signal-desktop. This is very similar to how Flathub handles unofficial packages, except Flathub seems to have more gatekeeping (Snapcrafters doesn’t allow just anyone, but you don’t have to be part of that group to publish).
Snapcraft has hosted multiple malicious applications, so I wouldn’t exactly call it a safe place either.
@Bitrot @linux interesting, thank you for that information: I had been under the impression they did do manual verification of authors.
I did some checking: the closest I found to verification was this (so you’re right- no need to be the original author, but a bit of vetting does seem involved).
My takeaway here is to use whatever the software authors recommend ( on their website… assuming trusted authors)!