Have I went overboard? Any suggestions? Or help? I travel a lot and don’t have a lot of time when I am home to setup and configure.
I’m using Cloudron on Linode for some things because I have StarLink and haven’t figured out how to connect via internet to my LAN yet. I can use VPN with the router but it seems wonky.
2 Raspberry Pi’s with DNS servers
Raspberry Pi with HomeAssistant
Separate NVR for cameras
Several Docker containers on one of NAS
A Raspberry Pi with DietPi. a 1TB attached drive and Docker Containers.
Cloudron on Linode for when I’m away from home.
not familiar with rsync, got a copy or link for that script?
I used this one, with some modifications, like command line parameters to reuse it for different backup jobs.
I’ve packaged it into a little docker container that runs crond and runs the script every day for a few backup pairs.
I’m not sure if you expected to post a script or link and it didn’t work or if it’s error on my part.
Weird! It was late. This is what I use: https://blog.zazu.berlin/software/a-almost-perfect-rsync-over-ssh-backup-script.html