Earth has been struck by a series of disasters, bringing ecosystems around the world to the verge of collapse. In this first look at gameplay, follow agent J...
Perfect Dark revolutionized the multi-player experience, and had an equally awesome campaign. The 360 game was good, but nothing amazing. Really hoping this turns out to be amazing. I have faith that it will!
Goldeneye (1997), Perfect Dark (2000)
Perfect Dark was a great game, but the multiplayer was a copy/paste of the game whose engine it was built in, no?
Perfect Dark introduced bots and a host of other customizable options that Golden Eye did not have. Golden Eye created the framework, and Perfect Dark improved on it in every possible way.
Right, but… It totally revolutionized a thing that already existed by applying incremental improvements?
Oh, cooperative campaign would be very substantial, wouldn’t it? And you could play as her sister.
Perfect Dark revolutionized the multi-player experience, and had an equally awesome campaign. The 360 game was good, but nothing amazing. Really hoping this turns out to be amazing. I have faith that it will!
Goldeneye (1997), Perfect Dark (2000)
Perfect Dark was a great game, but the multiplayer was a copy/paste of the game whose engine it was built in, no?
Perfect Dark introduced bots and a host of other customizable options that Golden Eye did not have. Golden Eye created the framework, and Perfect Dark improved on it in every possible way.
My memory is fuzzy, but Perfect Dark had bots, while Goldeneye did not?
Perfect dark also had a greater number of modes/settings.
Right, but… It totally revolutionized a thing that already existed by applying incremental improvements?
Oh, cooperative campaign would be very substantial, wouldn’t it? And you could play as her sister.