The man who got these shoes to Russia is Wijnand Herinckx, a 40-year-old Dutch citizen who lives in Moscow.
I hope the government of The Netherlands finds a way to rectify that at the very least.
From the article:
Herinckx said his focus is on consumer goods not covered by sanctions. Reuters found no evidence that his firm was violating sanctions.
His business might be of dubious morality but it might not be illegal, so I’m not sure the government can do much.
“I will make it illegal.” – Emperor Rutte, maybe
But he added: “They are also not telling us not to do it.”
No corporation is responsible for putting all their buyers under a microscope.
I’m more concerned with the chain of well suited men that makes russsian oil reach the west market
This is great. I hope more overpriced shit gets to be sold there.