Hi all, I’m new to Lemmy (as I assume most people are). Was an avid user of r/nova. A few things about me:

I moved to Arlington a little over a year ago, grew up in Miami. A strong motivation to move here was to reduce my car dependency, and get to experience a big-city life with functioning public transit and bikeability. Not coincidentally I’m a big fan of the YIMBYs of NoVa group and other pro-transit, pro-density activists in the area. As far as I’m concerned climate change is the biggest, most existential threat that we face and tackling car dependency is a huge part of doing our part to deal with it.

I’m tangentially in municipal government, and I like to lift weights in my free time. I’m constantly telling myself I’m learning to code to do data analysis but I’m terrible at sticking to it.

Can’t wait for these groups to get busier! I really miss the old internet before everything was absorbed into a small handful of websites, most of which are constantly being made worse by the drive for ad revenue and monetization, so the fediverse really appealed to me as a sort of return to tradition of non-monetized internet content.