hi dmv community. i’m living in california, where ‘dmv’ means a year spent in line to get your driver’s license.

i worked in crystal city for a time, and as a city person, opted to reverse commute from near foggy bottom. ‘watergate? that’s where i bought my cereal’ is a real conversation-starter outside the beltway. i don’t remember the term dmv from when i was in d.c. maybe it’s because i’m a million years old (accurately measured through carbon-dating).

in ways our areas are sisters, with the metro/bart heavy rail systems using the same technology, built on the same goal of moving office workers from the suburbs to the downtown core every day, and having the same challenge today, of an expensive system to move fewer people where they don’t want to go. i’d like for both to recover and do well. but in the d.c. case, i’ll pretty much be lurking and cross-posting into communities near me.