Anyone have suggestions for getting some tools in place to monitor for when changes happen that match certain criteria (obvious one being when certain files change)? Hosting-wise, we use BitBucket Cloud, though I can’t find anything built-in that’d be useful (seems like most cloud-based solutions don’t offer pre-receive hook customisation?)

We’ve had some “issues” with people not considering the impact of changes to certain code, and just want a little more handholding before the next time that sort of issue happens. I’m sure I could rig something either with a webhookey endpoint, or a CI build that does it, but it just seems like the sort of thing there’d be a pre-built tool for.

Any ideas?

    2 years ago

    As you only mention git and not any git hosting. I would say you could easily use git hooks. Fir you and probably ask everyone in your team to install the same git hooks to have a chance to review changes before they are commited.

    For my team there is an shell script in our repository. When you execute it, it will install all the git-hooks fir your local repository.

    You can use them to add checks during commit, merge, etc…

    Edit: I read a bit too fast. As you are using bitbucket there id probably the equivalent of github’s CODEOWNER file as already proposed in another comment.