It’s not that I don’t trust, but I want to understand. What is actually happening and how do these Repack thingies work?
And why are they called that 😂
Thanks in advance.
Edit: thanks so much for the replies all, I think I got it! :)
It’s not that I don’t trust, but I want to understand. What is actually happening and how do these Repack thingies work?
And why are they called that 😂
Thanks in advance.
Edit: thanks so much for the replies all, I think I got it! :)
So the hierarchy generally goes like this:
Because everything is so damn compressed, a game will usually take a long time to install, because your computer is literally re-inflating the bouncy castle. A lot of people will take those install times over the download sizes of the original releases which I think clarifies most who these repackers actually serve.
They exist for people with data caps and slow internet. If you can avoid downloading languages and soundtracks you don’t want in the first place then that saves you much needed data and time. And even though installation (which is actually just decompression) takes an age, it’s still faster than terrible internet downloading twice as much.
What if my computer isn’t attached to a bouncy castle? Do I need to buy special hardware for this?
! () [] for inserted images!
The more you know!
For me, they exist so I can justify keeping the installer to seed long-term.