Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia are seeking to disconnect from an energy grid network shared with Russia and Belarus by early 2025. Vilnius is pushing from an earlier exit from the grid, which Tallin opposes.
The Baltic countries have been actively working for years to synchronize their network to the Continental European Network (CEN).
In 2018, the leaders of the Baltic States and Poland signed a political roadmap together with the European Commission to set the target date of 2025 for accomplishing the synchronisation while an implementing roadmap was signed in June 2019 setting out the milestones up to the synchronisation date. The relevant grid developments and reinforcements have been also included in the fourth EU list of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs).
Why did they wait for so long to start?
2019 is only a few years ago, surely this shit should’ve been started sometime after 1991 or even 2004.
So, did they slowly move the frequency to align with the EU? Or is it something different?
Why stay connected with a toxic and abusive partner.