The main cloud services don’t even work natively (GoogleDrive, OneDrive, iCloud) basically the only mainstream choice is Dropbox. I tried to use Google Drive in Mint, and it’s a pain to get it to work, and usually it stops working after computer restarts.
Someone has a recommendation about how to handle these services?
Chiming in, is there a solid OneDrive client for linux that just works? No collaboration stuff needed for it or other fluff, just simple file sync. I pay for OneDrive family and would be nice to be able to sync files with other ecosystems (Synology, Windows, Android).
There’s a commercial Linux client I was using called Insync and it was perfect. Only stopped using it because I switched away from Linux
@talizorah @desconectado @potemkinhr I’m using OneDriver and it seems to work pretty well! Search it on Github.
I use this, it’s great and does seem to do automatic sync too.
This is the one I’m using as well. I use it to keep my work laptop running Linux in sync with the various Windows desktops I use in our offices. Works great for keeping my work keepass vault in sync.