Nintendo, take notes. As every game should run super smooth, I had a little bit of fun and made 4 new categories which are reasons they should get a remake:...
Question for anyone that’s played FF Tactics Advanced. Does it get good and how long until it does?
I’ve tried to play it multiple times over the years, but that snowball fight and the sections after I just cannot get through. The children’s story goes on for what seems like forever and none of it is skipable.
Question for anyone that’s played FF Tactics Advanced. Does it get good and how long until it does?
I’ve tried to play it multiple times over the years, but that snowball fight and the sections after I just cannot get through. The children’s story goes on for what seems like forever and none of it is skipable.
Personally, it does get good once you enter the fantasy world. This is soon after the “tutorial” snowball fight.
I’ll give it another shot, thanks. That into just takes years to get through.
Good luck, hoping you enjoy it!
Thanks :) I hope I do. Cuz I’m stuck in the PS1 game lol