The UK is currently experiencing some prolonged windy weather and my all-renewable energy provider offers dynamic pricing. That means cheap energy and even negative-cost energy. This is where my HA instance shines and saves me a fortune on my power bill. Thanks again to the HA devs for this incredible project.

For the curious, I’m using bottlecapdave’s excellent Home Assistant Octopus Energy integration via HACS.

  • rmuk@feddit.ukOP
    4 months ago

    I’m surprised, to be honest, since I worked out a while ago that if I had an EV - even something like a Zoë doing 20 miles a day - I’d be saving a lot of money, but if you’ve done the maths then fair enough. Keep in mind, though, that since you’re alreay with Octupus you could just switch to Agile for a month and switch back if it doesn’t work out.