As long as the counterfeit cheese meets all production regulations and is safe to eat I dont care. But the truth is the counterfeit probably cut amlot of corners and isn’t that safe and if people get sick will be much harder to track and prevent future issues.
It likely ranges. A lot of time the counterfeit is good cheese, it’s just not from the correct region. It’s not like buying a “Soony Walkman” or something. And if you can’t tell it’s counterfeit by how it tastes after the fact, then who is this program protecting?
As long as the counterfeit cheese meets all production regulations and is safe to eat I dont care. But the truth is the counterfeit probably cut amlot of corners and isn’t that safe and if people get sick will be much harder to track and prevent future issues.
It likely ranges. A lot of time the counterfeit is good cheese, it’s just not from the correct region. It’s not like buying a “Soony Walkman” or something. And if you can’t tell it’s counterfeit by how it tastes after the fact, then who is this program protecting?