I got my old game boys and have been playing pokemon gold on the gameboy color. I also have red and blue.
But, I want to play through the rest of them on original hardware up until the switch. I plan to use flash carts or some kind of mods to play the games as they are quite expensive.
Please let me know if there are any flaws in my plan.
Gameboy Advance SP (I like this as it’s backlit and will let me play my other gameboy games)
- Pokemon Emerald
New 3dsxl/2dsxl
- the rest of the games I’d like to play them all using flash carts or software mods. Since these games are not as old I’ll buy the original if they are under $100
Is it as simple as picking up these two consoles to play all the pre-switch pokemon games? Is there a better non-emulation option?
This is what I did personally. Definitely the easiest route to go as no additional hardware is needed outside of an SD card.
For me personally I took it a step further for gens 1-3 and installed the Pokemon Legacy rom hacks to get a “definitive” experience. No complaints so far.