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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I actually like the idea of being able to see how many upvotes/downvotes came from specific instances much more than seeing the actual users. It would cover some of the positives mentioned in the github discussion:

    -Could help fight bot and multiple-account voting (if we assume that people who make multiple accounts do it on the same instance)
    -Could help identify voting-patterns from specific servers (obviously)

    And then if something looks suspicious, the admins can already see who voted, so they could check out whether some user is abusing the mechanics.

    I find that this approach might be worth talking about, but making user votes visible to all seems very unnecessary.

  • We had to do a presentation on whatever in computer class in the first year of secondary school, and I chose Linux for no apparent reason. I just kinda knew that it existed and thought what the hell.

    My ‘researching’ led me to see what Linux offered, to learn about FOSS, listen to Stallman, and I loved tinkering so I made a dual boot (and thus learned about partitions, boot flags and such) and never looked back. Even when I installed linux on my newly acquired PC a few days ago and found out that since the kernel version 5.13 some motherboards receive failure on all USB 3.0 ports and I have to fuck around with that why can’t you just fucking work right away for once

  • It’s long been thought the only reason there’s been no WWIII is because countries that don’t necessarily like each other have created mutually beneficial trade deals together.

    And then Russia decided to go to war regardless. I’m not sure whether this has shown us that war prevention based on mutual trade is an illusion, or that Russian economic difficulties prove that it works. Maybe time will tell, but in any case I’m not sure the dead will be happy that Russia’s economy will suffer.

    I mean, it makes perfect sense that you’re not going to start a war for economic reasons if it’s worse than just trade, but what happens when someone decides that they want war for reasons other than economic. For example, country A has a lot of people with their main nationality in the bordering countries, and someone stirrs up nationalist sentiments and they want their country to ecompass all regions where their nationals live, regardless of economic benefits/drawbacks.

  • We had to do a presentation in the first year of secondary school, and somehow I ended up with Linux as my topic. I found it immensely interesting after doing the (admittedly limited, but hey I was 16) research, and decided to try it out after I found out that I can have both Linux and windows at the same time.

    Long story short, I loved the sheer choice of distros, working with the terminal (which is so much easier than GUI working for a lot of things), how looks can be insanely customized with so many desktop environments, how you can install all (okay, most) packages you need from the terminal, how the updates are all handled by the package manager, then I found out about free and open source software as a concept and so on and so on.

    Now I have only linux on my laptop, and windows on a desktop for gaming. Once you get used to it, it’s honestly very awkward to go back to windows.