Yeah, I was an EU immigrant in Britain at the time and the Delusions Of Grandeur of the locals were really placed in sharp relief and some of those were pretty shocking. These were especially bad for the Brexiters but for example many Remainers claimed that the UK should “Stay in the EU and shape it from the inside” (so a “we Britons know best than the rest” view, and remember that the Leave Referendum happenned after the UK Government demanded from the EU, once again, even more special treatment and was told “No”).
In Britain the mindset that led to Brexit had been heavilly pushed by the Press and Politicians for decades, so this outcome wasn’t totally unexpected. In fact I only know about Britons being expelled from Spain after the end of the transition period since they didn’t register, because some British newspapers which had supported Brexit published outraged pieces about how Spain was expelling Britons), so even after the whole Brexit thing was done, at least part of the Press still pushed (and Britons still believed) the whole idea that Britons should have special treatment even whilst not reciprocating it.
As I see it Britain and Britons are suffering from one hell of a post-Imperial Hangover, which makes it very problematic for them to cooperate with other nations in any format other than “purelly competitive and always trying to gain an advantage over others”, so they were always the odd one out in the EU and, frankly, De Gaule was right when way back he did not want to let the UK into the EU.
Yeah, I have a similar situation with Borderlands 2 not running on my machine with Windows 7 but running just fine in Linux with Proton (which is Steam’s branch of Wine).
It seems to me that Linux with Wine is actually better at backwards compatibility for Windows applications than Windows itself.
PS: Also a handful of old games I have from GoG that wouldn’t run on Windows run just fine with Wine on Linux.