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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Hey it’s Lemmy, so I will happily use this opportunity to blame rich people as well. I know people doing very well for themselves, who constantly, say, “yeah it sucks, but I’ve got the money and it doesn’t hurt me so who cares?”

    Because they’re so completely unable to to think of ANYONE else in a different situation, or even remember their younger selves, that they will continue to incentivize predatory behavior because “fuck you, I got mine”, and they’re such huge pieces of self involved shit that they won’t delay their gratification for a split second to help out an entire industry’s consumers.

    If that sound harsh, it’s been a shit day full of people just like that; decide on your own if it applies here.

  • If this functions to poll users broadly, then count another one for NOT federating. I came to Lemmy to not have my feed dominated by a tsunami of corporate junk curated by one of the worst influences in modern society. And if the counter argument is that I can block their content, then you can go join threads. I have no desire to be on a service where the majority of other users are constanly being fed crap from Meta and then interacting here, even if I can’t see the initial influence. I can go elsewhere, sure, and will if they federate, but I like it so far and would rather not. But consider, at least, the kind of thing .world will become if the only people here are people who think, “Hey, maybe Zuck’s new project won’t be so bad!”

  • Yes! I wonder how a company working with Cambridge analytica to start a war, and influence elections worldwide, who sold children’s personal information illegaly in EU, and gleefully partcipates in the Prism surveillance program, would be? 🤔 I mean it’s not like they just gutted their staff trying to deal with misinformation for the 24 election. We simply can’t predict how they might behave!