lacks advanced features (tried it)
lacks advanced features (tried it)
I love FOSS but LibreCalc sucks! Word is good, I did a project with it, I am pretty sure you can get the hang of it. Not sure about anything else tho
Can she use Google sheet? You can download the sheet as Excel file.
actually the whole purpose of using excel is because of the advanced features. Doubt if you will find it on web version of Gsheets.
damn! thank you!
thank you verymuch for telling me about this. I will give it a go
Capitalist Musicians
haha… good one. If you are serious, I doubt if we have that many musicians in here (I mean, not enough to manipulate the voting system so badly at least)
edit: oh F, I didn’t read it completely. You lost me at it’s not possible, but now after having read it, you might have a point.
(I might not know what I am talking about, feel free to criticize). And I tried downloading from Spotify directly using yt-dlp.
it’s possible.
You can bind qbittorrent to the vpn network interface.
how do you do this? I use Linux btw
Excel online is pretty bad if you compare it in terms of features.