I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

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  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • This would absolutely flag me for something. I tend to have flat delivery, low pitch, avoid eye contact, etc. and when combined with other metrics, could easily flag me as not being a happy enough camper.

    I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m never going to be happy to be working, but if I showed up that day, I’m also in a good enough headspace to do my job… and if you want to fire me for that… for having stuff going on and not faking vocal patterns…

    This is why I don’t want to work anymore. It’s gotten so invasive and fraught if you happen to be anything but a happy bubbly neurotypical fake. And that’s wildly stressful. I’m not a machine, and refuse to be treated like one. If that means I have to die in poverty, well, dump me in the woods, I guess.

    This shit should never be legal.

  • iOS is the worst.

    Absolutely worst thing I’ve ever done to myself intentionally (and that list is looooooooong).

    I really liked messing around with android, it was basically why I got into Linux… spent years messing about with android so Ubuntu felt so similar. It was an easy transition for me. (Other distros, even Debian based, have not been so welcoming, and I don’t want to go back to Ubuntu, but it felt… right… so I probably will… unless someone tells me about a similar ui for anything else ;) )

    I do hope Linux gains at least enough support as an OS for mobile that one can make it work… I mean windows had a phone (possibly several shitty phones run on windows…?) and that wasn’t a big deal but Linux…? clutches pearls certainly not!

  • While I’m super glad it works for you (honest I am, that’s literally the point of tech, to do what you need) I’d never buy a pixel. At least not without the full intent of de-googling it… and that’s exactly the problem with android right now. Android is largely a spyware platform for Google. Apple is not better, to be clear. Both options suck and we have no real 3rd party alternatives. Which we should have. Instead we have none, globally.

    The hardware might be there (and frankly I’ve heard really good things about pixel hardware; lots of people buy them to flash other OS on) but the software is literally designed to spy on you so… I’m super not into it.

    I’m thinking about buying a fairphone and putting idk… lineage or graphene on it… been a while since I bought a device for the sole purpose of putting different OS on, but maybe it’s time.

    If Linux phones were viable daily drivers I’d be using one of those. Fuck all this proprietary bullshit. But even that is difficult because Linux is many things but “all encompassing “ is not one of them, and never will be.

  • I know (but man the validation feels nice!) :) I am the walking incarnation of Murphy’s law not just for this, but my whole life. I think I’m a black hole of bad so other people can have better. 🫡 (yes I know that’s not how it works, but it makes me feel slightly better about the fact that everyone around me does great).

    No, it was a design flaw with the phone I bought. If you used anything other than the OEM charger you were risking breaking your charge port. And it legitimately broke, not just dirty : /

    I bought before this flaw was known. Too bad too because it was usb-c, so it -should-have worked with whatever but it was designed ever so slightly out of spec…

    They don’t make phones anymore, unsurprisingly…

  • Nothing outrageous, I baby them and try to buy at least decent quality. They just… never last.

    I am, however, the walking incarnation of Murphy law, so like… it’s not surprising to me that this happens… (same as I’m the one with all the apple issues for no reason)

    My last phone, the charge port failed about 2 yrs, I used it for 3 (fortunately still had wireless charging so I could have used it longer technically, but wanted to try apple before it was mandatory to give up)

    Phone before that, the speakers failed so I couldn’t even take calls, about 2 years. (I don’t listen to stuff, so this wasn’t volume abuse or something causing failure)

    Phone before that got bricked during an update but that was a cheap phone that didn’t have recovery because I was broke. Can’t afford to keep replacing shit even used…

    Prior, mobo failure. You get the idea.

    Only one phone broke because of something I actually did to it, and that was way back when slide out keyboards were still a thing, a Sony Xperia pro. I flashed a newer android version and then tried to revert to an older version (playing with custom roms) and broke the governor chip so the battery would read zero when not on the charger.

    And I do fix things when the parts are available, economical, and it’s possible to fix, but that isn’t always the case.

  • As someone who switched from android to iPhone after using android exclusively (only because I’m sick to shit of my devices breaking themselves at about the 2 year mark - and I don’t mean software):

    Apple is a fucking nightmare to swap to if you use your device for anything beyond the absolute basics. I’m honestly probably going to swap off it sooner rather than later.

    It’s a miserable experience to go from being able to do basically whatever you want… to not even being able to change to a specific ringtone without paying for it or going through some ridiculous process on Mac to convert. (And before some random asshole pipes up -again- and says “there’s tons of ways” without telling me what they are, I’ve looked and found nothing so either tell me the ways or don’t bother replying because no there aren’t, that’s why everyone on iOS has the same set of ringtones.) I mean hell, it’s painful just to move photos to a pc. Like ridiculously painful. Unless you pay for iCloud.

    And the whole ecosystem is supposed to “just work”, but it doesn’t. Tons of finicky little problems, like I can’t get “find my” to play sound on my phone the next room over with all the settings enabled, and even the time of day focus on my watch is usually wrong, which is like a super basic function of this crap. But you can’t really troubleshoot because of the lockdown on everything.

    Venting aside, it’s simply not worth it to switch from android. It’s a downgrade in every single way except hardware being built to last, and the software getting regular security updates. That’s it. That’s all it has going for it. I thought that might be enough, but it really isn’t.

  • I feel your pain. 140 year old house with 3 additions and several remodels over the years. Still had a coal cistern when I moved in!

    The middle bedroom has a partial window where the addition was tied in but they couldn’t be bothered to seal up the hole fully… it’s about 8 inches wide and made of a custom storm window and nothing else (currently sealed up well with insulation until I can re-do siding).

    Fireplace hearth (way overbuilt thing for a pellet stove -previous owner was a mason) was installed over a layer of hardwood flooring, which they didn’t realize wasn’t subfloor because there were 2 layers of hardwood flooring, old kind that was thick - the house sighed with relief when I ripped it all out and I gained 4 inches to my ceiling height.

    Had to drill through a 4-inch thick cement wall to install my dishwasher. Someone moved the entry from one side to the other at some point, probably when they added the driveway and garage, and the walkway is still under my lawn. And my cabinets are different internal heights for some reason?

    Weird stuff. Every project becomes 5-15 projects to do right.

  • Legit didn’t realize until this news came out that windows didn’t have that same sort of “lawl, yes, I know what I’m doing and accept it might break my shit if I’m wrong” override access… but then I stopped using windows at 7 and only started again with 11 when my Linux beast died. (Temporary and migrating off already!)

    I never really used cmd on windows, everything was gui… but I prefer terminal to gui on Linux (idk why, maybe just because it’s different and feels more in control. Also verbose logs are sexy).

  • I went through this process once.

    Submitted my details, they contacted me to set up an “interview” over telegram (a program I didn’t have and downloaded just to see what would happen, I knew it was a scam by that point)

    So I went into it, they ask some generic questions they don’t take enough time to read (and filling them with nonsense doesn’t matter) and at the end they ask for a photocopy of your id and social security card (much like a real job, which is a problem in and of itself) and send to some shady email created with that company name @hotmail or some shit.

    The company itself was real, the job posting was real, but the job posting was 3 years old, and I had to call the company to verify it wasn’t theirs. I also provided them with the posting link so they could follow up with indeed if they wanted to.

    It’s not very elegant, but I guess desperate people don’t really do to much thinking about it…

  • Hey this is just what I need. And exactly when I needed it.

    I have an old enterprise tower I’ve been trying to set up for my bedroom tv (I believe from 2009 or so) that only has 4gb ram but 12 (!!!) usb ports, and mint with xfce is still much too heavy for it, despite it being able to run win 10 fairly well.

    All it needs to be able to do is run my vpn, torrent client, and web browser for media playback (Plex web, hosted elsewhere on my network).