I love genuine questions and people putting in the effort to love and understand each other better. If you come at me just wanting to argue I’m going to troll you back. FAFO.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Nah do it like they do in Europe. Pictures of what it looks like to be held to the bed screaming by a 19y/o who had no idea what they signed up for while an ICU nurse shoves a tube up your ass so that the diarrhea they induced to rebalance your ammonia doesn’t dissolve your anus as quickly except she can’t get the tube to stay in because your anus has already been slightly dissolved so she keeps shoving the tube back in and you’re still screaming because you’re in acute alcohol withdrawal and the terrified child they’re paying $12 an hour to help the ICU nurse restrain you seems to have snakes crawling out of their dinner-plate sized eyes.

  • Tbh I wouldn’t mind it if it wasn’t purely combat focused, one of very few paths out of poverty, and if most of that budget wasn’t going straight to Boeing Lockheed and Northrup.

    Having an option for young adults to live in a structured environment, maybe learn some trade skills, and most importantly have to learn to deal with other humans would give a lot of people a much needed leg up on their psychosocial development during that early adulthood. I also think it would do it better than the current college experience (especially for little shit rich kids but I’ll get to that).

    I say this because I firmly believe a lot of people need a terrible first job as a young adult to finish calibrating their sense of adversity and problem solving. Something that’s not going to injure them or abuse them, but that’s juuust vaguely unpleasant enough to teach some distress tolerance without major physical or psychological trauma.

    My first real adult job was awful (unfortunately also extremely unsafe, so not good for these purposes) but it really taught me a LOT about… a lot of things really. Conflict management. Situational awareness. Teamwork. How to lead other people in unsafe/crisis situations. Probably more I’m not thinking of. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone but I can’t deny that the job made me who I am in a lot of ways that I’m actually really proud of. I still just about piss myself when talking to HR but a little wariness there isn’t exactly unwarranted. It also really hammered home how little management types care about your safety. That translated nicely into the teamwork- I learned quickly that admin can’t be trusted any farther than their lazy asses can walk and at 2:30 AM it’s you and your coworkers and that’s it so you better figure out how to get along with them.

    The other thing about it is that it’s not really the poor kids who need it! They’ve probably been working some shit job since they were old enough to legally (and maybe a little before that)! I didn’t really grow up “rich” (especially since the wealth my parents enjoy now is due to them being hella stingy) but I definitely grew up sheltered, and that job definitely fixed my stupid ass.