Welcome Reddit refugees, glad to have some fresh faces 'round these parts.

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2021

  • I make plymouth do the verbose mode because it’s cool and hacker-y. Also I like when it says “failed” and I know what failed. For a few weeks I kept having to manually start firewalld and I never would have known otherwise, update seems to have fixed that though.

    Tbf, I really only have experience with fedora and thus systemd, so, I like it but I “don’t know what I’m missing” in a sense.

  • I actually am interested partly because of their history, the creator is of the same religion as I am and his creation was announced in like '94 on the old Hour Of Slack radio show affiliated with said religion. In fact, Slackware is a direct nod to our concept of Slack, and there’s even pics of our guru J. R. “Bob” Dobbs on the slackware site in the banners section. I know it isn’t dead because 15 came out earlier this year (or was it late last year?) so they must be active and not dead, just hard to find lol.

    Thanks for the advice, I’ll maybe try it on an old asus I use mainly for booting tails on soon. That’s the only device I have with windows for emergencies and nothing I have is powerful enough to run VMs I don’t think, but tbh that windows install barely works and I haven’t needed it in two years, so “fuck it,” right?

  • How hard is it? I really want to try Slackware one day but I’m not the most adept at linux yet. Really only have experience with Fedora, Tails, Puppy, and antix so far.

    Hard to find people to ask about it, as you said because of the smaller userbase. I did look yesterday though and there are some youtube videos on slackware 15 set up, so I may be ok with those. Still kinda nervous lol.

  • Great post, saved for future use. I’d say myself that while Fedora may not be aimed at beginners, it is pretty good for beginners nonetheless. It’s what I started on (after dipping my toes in Tails, which also has it’s use cases but more importantly here demystified linux for me and made me comfortable with it. Then windows pissed me off one last time and the rest is history.)

    The fedora community in my experience has been very helpful, though that was reddit, so we shall see what the future holds.

  • But it creates negative user sentiment, which will make it easier to move people, or even make people just less excited to use the platform in the long term.

    To add, it’s not nothing that lemmy and kbin have grown as much as they have. This has introduced many to the concept of the fediverse at all, or at least to those two names, and they’re more likely to switch after they’ve heard about it a couple times, or after it grows a bit more, or once reddit pisses them off even by just some toxic mod doing dumb shit and making them say “fuck this site, I’m going to that alternative I heard about.”

    I guess what I’m getting at is this is effective marketing even if we don’t make the sale today. Like Hank during Grillstraveganza, you provide quality information and let the customer make up their own mind, and your sales will come in at the end of the month. We don’t need all those fancy Jo-Jack tricks to make an immediate sale, we can bide our time like Hank.