I think I become an adult when I learned most items including many plastics are not really recycled.
I think I become an adult when I learned most items including many plastics are not really recycled.
Seeing an infrastructure project come to completion is really exciting! Upgrading the service times of non express trains will be really beneficial.
The first thing that caught my eye was the trees. Then the bridge color. Then the perspective.
And then all the other details haha
Speeding is so common in California. The speed limit is typically the minimum speed of traffic.
Automated fining would be an unpopular solution.
And then there’s the third, even weirder type. Mongo matter
Yeah I was having a shower after left my comment and thought, oh man, Twitter is a terrible counter example of performance. What do you think of that situation?
It could be the use of single man twice in the same paragraph that is a bit irking. Obviously there are teams of people actually designing and executing what these companies deliver. There’s certainly something to what Musk decides to manage that proves successful.
Is this a split level multi unit converted to a single?
Ha, wow. Did not picture this ‘Star of David’ patch when I read the headline.
Scale. It’s a better quality audience but executives like BIG NUMBERS to make the juice worth the squeeze.
I think the investment supporting is worth it in the long run! Traditional social is basically a shitty rev share to reach a larger audience.
I look forward to the investigation results on this one. I’m not afraid of flying but this would terrify me.
How the heck did a relatively new plane get a compromised fuselage like this??
For use in southern Lebanon? Deterrence for anyone else thinking of joining the conflict?
Also didn’t sound right to me.
Curious what the fine rate scale is for violations.
I am generally opposed to automated fine enforcement for speeding and red lights, mainly due to a lack of transparency on how they function, and obvious conflict of interest between the vendor and city on maximizing fines.
We got rid of red light cameras in most locales previously. Let’s also be real, CA has a speeding culture. If you’re going less than the limit it feels too slow.
Yeah lot of these people were probably just coming down in the early morning. Surreal and horrifying to imagine being there.
This is true, but they have your encrypted vault, and all the technical data to make unlimited informed attempts at cracking it. If you used LastPass, you definitely need to be changing passwords for your critical services at a minimum.
Good question for sure. In London I would just pull out my phone with designated payment method for the underground.
If you pay to tap anywhere else retail you’d tap a specific payment method. Might be the same for the new system.
I thought Sierra Nevada might be interested. The land itself is a huge investment, on top of all the equipment like the fancy water recapture SFPUC paid for. The article doesn’t have much content but I’m definitely in favor of going back to the original branding. The Saporo generic two tone design basically made Anchor blend in with the rest of the beer aisle.
Sounds like the cops prepared and were itching to shut it down when an inevitable incident occurred with two participants. Sorry kids trying to do something fun and free in the city!
Man who doesn’t like forced press conferences runs for Mayor.