Id love to know how you got the first layer to stick, I couldn’t get my Cr-30 to print anything more then spaghetti.
I actually haven’t used anything that makes use of the Deck microphones yet, do they work well for this?
Go into desktop mode, open the menu and use the search function to look for “Nested Desktop”. Now right click and add that to Steam. When you boot into Game mode, you’ll see a new item added called Nested Desktop, which you can open to access desktop mode while still in game mode. I found out about this a week ago and so far I use it most for referencing my digital game guides or searching NMS portal codes while still gaming.
Make sure to check out “Nested Desktop mode”, it’s a great way to have faster access while in the default Game mode
Oh I know, I was just stating the three words I’d say to my boss. If I ask what happened, then I probably just arrived to see the mess at the same time they did, right? 😁
Again. This bill was introduced last year, by the same person, and it died at the time because of some grassroots actions. Now, the wording is slightly different (so it can be introduced again as a “different” bill), and it’s being tried again.
Well yes, but also no.
The term pupil is used to describe an area that exists inside a three dimensional space, the eye, and while that space may not have anything that reflects light, it does contain something. The surface of the eye, known as the lens, and the liquid or ‘jelly’ that is contained inside the eye. So that area that is light reflective material would include the whites and the iris, but the inside of the eye is not just empty space. If it was, your eye would collapse like an uninflated beach ball, and you wouldn’t see very much at all. Arguably the term pupil is used to refer to the non-reflective area of the eye bordered by the iris and containing the lens.
Although Black Flag was pretty fun, the sailing mechanic was my favorite. Other then including that, I agree with you.
It essentially is a replacement for a mouse, I set FreeCAD to use Blender input settings since I’m used to those. It’s one without a screen, just a USB that I use with a kickstand hub on my Deck. I picked it because it was cheaper then a screen style drawing tablet and it would help most with Blender for modeling organic sculpture. It was a simple plug-and-play, although the software to enable some extra features was available for Linux and was a snap to add. I experimented using it with FreeCAD and it’s pretty similar to using a mouse, so I don’t need both inputs taking up table space.
I use it for 3D modeling using a BT keyboard and a drawing tablet. Works great with Blender and FreeCAD both.
Mobile players do it on the go. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also expect some stringing, a little bit during printing is ok. Use a heat gun if you have one, or a blow dryer can work well as a replacement. The heat causes the thin strings to contact and they practically disappear as you watch. It’s pretty fun to do, and satisfying.
Because to them, it is no different. They aren’t making money off what they have deemed ‘out of production’ equipment, so the search for endless profits means they need a ‘new’ machine to be bought at a frequent pace.
It’s about profits, not people. Bottom line rather then bottomless life.
They’ll stop beating that dead horse when it stops spitting out money
Sometimes I use the ‘crumbs’ for a small print, like model bases or tests. Other times I weld all the remainder together and run it like normal. (This works for me because I tend to print in the same color and material alot.) My other option is using these small amounts for my 3D pen, which I use to join parts together like a welder. It works really well for some of the dice towers I print that come as two or three parts, on seams that won’t show. I super glue the last joint so everything is solid and seamless to the eye.
I live in New York, one of the most northern and blue states around, and have my entire life. In 7th grade I decided I didn’t like saying the Pledge of Allegiance, the name alone sounded odd to me, like why are children pledging themselves to a country, when we can’t even really understand what that means? So I stopped.
The school staff lost their minds.
Luckily my parents taught me to be firm in my beliefs, if I had truely thought about them and believed them. So I stuck to my choice, and my parents backed me up on it when they arrived at the school 45 minutes after the Pledge normally ended.
On a side note, I had read ahead in my Social Studies textbook that week, and learned about Nationalism in Nazi Germany, and it had sounded strangly familiar to me. Not long after the Pledge of Allegiance incident happened.
“Thoughts and prayers” seems to have crossed the pond. I genuinely hope they are more useful over there, because they are absolutely worthless here and usually indicate that nothing of consequence will be done about the matter.
I agree, but that’s why I wanted to spread awareness that it existed starting now. The sooner the better.