It’s wash your sister sauce
It’s wash your sister sauce
Wash your sister sauce
Still rocking 2.2.1 Don’t think I’ll ever be able to upgrade
Thank you for the answer. It sounds more legit than I had always thought. My current setup is just all private trackers with a VPN so I’m not sure I’d want to pay to set this up. I have PTP and BHD for movies. BHD and MTV for TV shows, RED for music and MAM for books. I generally always find what I’m looking for but I was always curious about usenet
Honest question. Are there any advantages to usenet if I’m already deep into torrenting and on many private trackers? I’ve never used usenet but have been torrenting for 20+ years so I’m not sure if I’m missing out on anything
Resolution isn’t everything. It’s a brighter better quality screen. I guarantee it will look better than the 6 pro side by side. The few less pixels will not be missed
I can’t believe you came on my mom