So did I, haha. This was a “yay new friends”-type comment.
I actually haven’t heard much grumbling about it since, so we seem to have behaved alright. Or at least just provided such an overwhelming share of traffic there’s nobody to complain.
Formerly u/CanadaPlus101 on Reddit.
So did I, haha. This was a “yay new friends”-type comment.
I actually haven’t heard much grumbling about it since, so we seem to have behaved alright. Or at least just provided such an overwhelming share of traffic there’s nobody to complain.
You folks ready for the next Rexodus?
“I’m a little bit dismayed that this unrealistic debate about EU membership kind of distracts from the things that could really be done to intensify the relationship,” said Hurrelmann. “How could we try to speed up processes of regulatory alignment under CETA? How could we encourage European investment in Canada in areas such as critical raw materials?… Those, I think, are the kinds of debates for which there’s really a lot of potential. And the Canada-EU economic relationship can definitely become closer and can be intensified, and that would be beneficial for both sides, but not through Canada’s membership in the EU.”
Hmm. I’m not actually sure that’s a problem. Even if we say we want to, the first steps are doing things like aligning regulations and setting up free movement, as this article goes into.
But yeah, even if we make EU Canada work it’s a long way off.
Is it still a pincer is it’s A-B-A-B? Don’t forget Alaska.
Did he say it was specifically about the children, though? The pager attack mostly killed it’s intended targets by all appearances.
What? That’s the one that surprises you? They’ve killed more children on the average day post-invasion.
It’s more likely to just be bugged, if he actually is likely to use it.
Hmm… I’m actually not sure if the government could do this without passing a bill. If they have to pass a bill, you bet there will be public discussion during the debate period, and probably before as well.
The the government of the day could just do it, I guess it’s not impossible, although they’d have to be a Doug Ford-level blowhard.
Ah yes, the honest days of development, when you just got your hands dirty and didn’t have to worry about expensive formal education and stupid interview tactics.
Oh, you do mean that. TIL, wow.
Wikipedia makes it sound like they basically just decided to do it really fast to make a point. I suppose already being in a state of total war also helps.
Wait, are you telling me Don Corleone’s mustache was never made of leaves? /s
Risk as in risk of it happening, not risk if it does happen.
Nuclear proliferation is what we’re talking about, and the basic idea is that if you have n nuclear powers, that’s O(n2) potential conflicts that could start at any moment.
Oh cool. Sweden also has some stuff.
We make armoured troop carriers… and that’s it AFAIK.
Oh, you mean we were already in WWII, not that we specifically responded to Pearl Harbour.
I guess, but the UK is a pretty shit-tier nuclear power. I’d really want it to include France.
there’s also a reason Poland is buying what France is selling
Oooh. What’s the story there? Like literally buying equipment, or just suggesting some kind of new defence pact (that Canada should definitely join).
When Pearl Harbour was attacked we declared war on Japan before America did ffs… shit is fucked up down there
I had not heard that.
At the point in history their government was working at least as well as ours (for good or evil), so I don’t know what conclusion to draw.
I’d consider supporting it, if there was a serious public discussion on the matter.
The one argument against it - besides the lame “that’s violent” or “we couldn’t actually need one” - is that saving this one nation isn’t worth the increased risk of a nuclear exchange.
And domestic politics - moreso than interests, even. Kissinger and the “realists” were kind of full of shit because of that.
So I guess the interview is handled by a non-vulnerable intermediate process, which adds the hire to the the main table of employees when at some point in a successful interview, and then calls a notification process that just searches it?