• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • It wouldn’t really be “sex work” if they weren’t doing it in exchange for something would it?
    Yes, we have currency as a placeholder for trading goods directly but people who perform sex acts for other goods like drugs are just as stigmatized and no currency was involved.
    And if people are just having sex with a fun of it then it’s not sex work either, it’s just sex, which is less stigmatized now then it was 30 years ago but it still has a stigma attached to it, otherwise slurs like “skank” and “slut” wouldn’t exist.

  • They didn’t start calling WWII what it is until 1944, but I think we can all agree it didn’t start in 1944.
    Just like later historians placed the start of WWII on multiple different events depending on which country you’re in, the start of World War III will be long before we start calling it that.
    I’m in the camp that the start of WW3 will be the Russian invasion of Ukraine if things continue to escalate the way they’re going, because that’s when you really started seeing lines being drawn between the axis and allies.
    Russia, China, Iran, and NK are the most recognizable names that have aligned themselves with the axis so far.
    The lines are already drawn and future events will dictate whether or not we’re currently living in WW3 today.