If only i could upvote you several times. I agree with every point, and was already called a Nintendo Hater, and now i say it with pride. Nintendo is just extremely anti-consumer, anti art preservation, anti community (even their own fans), actively erasing gaming history, and taking advantage of ignorants and ideologically confused fanboys in shitty deals, products and services. If this company were founded today, they would be dead in less than 3 years, but they successfully milk the nostalgia from their golden years from the 80s to early 2000s. Can only say this: It is ethically good to boycot Nintendo, do piracy emulation and buy from other places.
Depends on the use case of the person operating the computer really.
I recently installed EOS (with LXQt), and all i really did was install it using the GUI, install some of the app selection offered in endeavors introduction GUI (including flatpak), saved the webadress of arch repository, aur repository, and flathub.org, and then learned