• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Barely anything was left in the library by the time it burned down. It’s quite a myth that all that much was lost at all. By the time of its destruction, most of its books and knowledge has been moved elsewhere due to decades of reduced funding and support.

    Furthermore, the burning did not destroy the entire library. It was a gradual process over a long period of time. What destroyed far more of the books is a lack of care to copy them. Paper and papyrus don’t last that long, so the only way to permanently maintain them was by copying them out again. Which is a lot of work.

  • Yeah for me personally it’s not a subtractor to the experience. For one, they make those menus super convenient.

    But then, as somebody who’s played quite a lot of Elite Dangerous, I don’t really feel there’s that much missing. I know lots of people will disagree with me here, but whilst I agree it’d be awesome to be able to fly from planet to planet, most of the other games that do this it’s just flying at a dot in space, waiting until the number next to it gets smaller. Space is big, and really really empty. And while I would still enjoy having that aspect in the game too, I think it’s not a bad tradeoff for having much more immersive planets, cities and gameplay. Also most of Elite Dangerous is sitting in a ship traversing menus, selecting a planet and then jumping there. While you can’t directly fly between, Starfield has that same game loop. You can just select a planet, mark it as your destination, then jump into the cockpit, line it up and turn on the grab drive to jump to that place. So I feel that it lives up to my personal expectations.

    I don’t want to invalidate anyone else’s feelings or expiriencds though. I’m having a ton of fun playing and seeing the Starfield universe. However I’ll leave an update if that changes.

  • Thank you for the advice!

    Unfortunately I’ve tried a number of very expensive cables, as well as multiple graphics cards. The monitors used to be fine, but over time they started getting all these horizontal lines across the screen if I go above 100hz. I’ve also tried Mac and Windows and same problem with both.

    I’ve looked it up though and seems to be a common problem for AOC Agon monitors, so my fault for cheaping out, even though they still cost me $550aud per monitor :(