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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Toyota is one of the largest auto makers in the history of the world. They’re practically their own government, and have more than enough money bankroll a burgeoning technology tree. To say they fucked up by testing a brand new technology and developing it in-house, seemingly on their own until recently (BMW and Mercedes have both joined Toyota in their development process within the last 5 years) is bonkers.

    Any new technology or idea generally has a long road to maturity. You wouldn’t say the quest for quantum computing or the unified field theory are complete wastes of time and money when we’re discovering things along the way. Hydrogen may not work out for your consumer vehicle, but it absolutely works better than electric for those trans-oceanic container ships and shooting rockets to the moon.

  • The most basic driving like long stretches of highway shouldn’t be banned from using AI/automated driving. The fast paced inner city driving should be augmented but not fully automatic. Same goes for driving in inclement weather: augmented with hard limits on speed and automated braking for anything that could result in a crash

    Edit: I meant this statement as referring to the technology in it’s current consumer form (what is available to the public right at this moment). I fully expect that as the technology matures so will the percentage of incidents decline. We are likely to attain a largely driverless society one day in my lifetime

  • Americans don’t need to pretend about it. We are well aware that our war machine is what keeps the dollar on top, and keeps our place on the world stage. Adversarial countries are well aware. The reason China has publicly stated they want a military that can compete with the US by 2050, is because the smartest people in government understand your influence only goes as far as your military can reach. That military ability has come at a cost of basic things a world leading country should have at home: healthcare, affordable higher education, etc. Imagine if all of those brilliant minds in the military were instead focused on the issues that face an average citizen!