Doug [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I think you and I have very different experiences. I rarely see that kind of correction if ever.

    When you’re in a public space you never know when your words are being consumed by an ESL speaker. I think the best approach is natural yet accurate. They’re going to encounter contractions when dealing with native speakers, but the difference between it’s and its, for example, can be tricky so try to use them as taught.

    Spelling mistakes can absolutely be an issue. It’s already hard enough to figure out English spelling without native speakers making it worse. Add on to that the difficulty in any added language of working out near homophones, let alone actual homophones.

    I knew someone who was pretty decent with English as their third language but had trouble keeping Texas and taxes straight. I know another guy who is American and uses no in place of know. That one threw me for a while before I figured out what he was trying to say.

    I will admit, I do like that “technically” the plural for octopus is “supposed to be” octopods (pronounced like oc-tip-o-dees) but that’s a fun “fact”, not a correction I’ve ever tried to make.

  • I’m not saying you can or that you’re expected to. Just like a single rain drop doesn’t make a flood.

    But if every rain drop got discouraged from falling because it can’t make a flood all on its own we’d have been in droughts earlier and more often.

    As far as likelihood, I think we’ve been approaching a revolution of some kind or another for a couple decades at least. It could be a violent one like the French Revolution, or a cultural one like the Industrial Revolution. Time, events, and people will make that determination, but the visible unrest with income disparity grows more obvious on a pretty regular basis.