• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Microsoft is bigger.

    Nintendo’s market cap is about $56.7 billion.

    Microsoft’s market cap is $2.44 trillion, with $111 billion worth of cash (not equity, cash) in the bank.

    Microsoft is 43 times bigger than Nintendo. They can pay for Nintendo with only cash, if they desire.

    These trillion-dollar players are an order of magnitude larger than anyone around them. They can do what they want, same as how Apple ($2.8 trillion) can easily buy Disney ($150.5 billion) if they wished.

    This isn’t an exact science, but you can use market cap to ballpark these things and get an idea of how much an acquisition would cost. For example, Twitter had a market cap of $31 billion in August 2022, and Elon bought it a few months later for $44 billion. That’s a 1.4x increase, so applying the same math buying all of Disney would “only” cost about $214 billion - which both Apple and Microsoft (and Google) could do. Nintendo would cost about $80 billion, which Microsoft could do without even taking out a loan.

    The issue isn’t necessarily the price; it’s the regulators.

  • What are they going to do? Ban them?

    Honestly if I was migrating away from Fandom I’d do everything I can to burn every bridge. Go through and edit every page to have every link redirect to the better wiki. Ignore their 2-week period, and don’t inform the Fandom overlords that the wiki is being shut down (it’s not like they’re going to check without being prompted).

    I’d make them ban me, and then good luck finding an admin.

  • Do you agree that retrievers are bred to retrieve things?

    Do you agree that herding dogs are bred to herd things?

    Do you agree that pointer dogs are bred to find things?

    Surely you’ve been around these kinds of dogs before. It’s not something that they learn; they are specifically bred to do a job and they will do that job even without training. You’ve seen or heard of how a sheepdog will herd small children, I’m sure. It’s why the breed exists; they are specifically bred to do a certain thing and genetically their instinct is to do the thing that they were bred for over the course of thousands of years. You can remove them from their mom and not give them any training and they will naturally do the thing that they were bred to do. You don’t have to train a golden to bring you back a ball.

    So is it a surprise that a dog bred to kill things will want to kill things?

    That’s not simply because of “a poor owner”, although the fact that people refuse to train their killer dogs to not be killers is part of it. It’s because their dogs are genetically predisposed to kill, just like a pointer dog is genetically predisposed to find things.

    It is absolutely a bad breed. Killer dogs should be banned worldwide. Every single pitbull, rottweiler, etc. should be spayed/neutered and the breed should end. They’re too dangerous and dumb owners have proven that you can’t rely on humans to keep them under control.

    It’s not the dogs’ fault, mind - it’s their instinct. But that doesn’t mean that future generations should have to deal with it.

  • This channel used to be great, but ever since she changed her format it’s not been nearly as good. She spends so much time now on irrelevant details and pads things out to double the length of what they used to be.

    I unsubbed when she stopped in the middle of one of her videos to make a dumb joke about being a weatherperson on TV. Like, the video stopped and it showed her presenting a weather forecast and she tapped the screen like she was stuck inside. I dunno; it just felt like bad taste to make a joke in videos like this, and with half the videos now being padding and fluff I just wasn’t feeling it anymore.

    It sucks because I used to really like her content in the older format.

  • If I run Satisfactory via Vulkan on X, it causes my entire desktop to flicker until I close the game, on all screens. Annoying, but at least I can make it go away.

    If I run Satisfactory via Vulkan on Wayland, it crashes Wayland and my entire computer freezes until I hard reboot it by pressing the power button. That is absolutely unacceptable.

    (Satisfactory on DX12 works fine for both, but the point is Wayland is still much more likely to fail catastrophically.)

  • Lol. Lmao even.

    The sequence of steps you need to see this stuff is absolutely bonkers. Like, 99% of players will never see this one voice line naturally.

    Unless “doing things in the game triggers voice lines” is somehow a spoiler now? Spoiler: when you beat this game, the credits roll showing who made the game!

    The title reveals nothing other than “hey there’s a sun ray that can nuke someone.” It doesn’t say anything about the nature of the ray, where it is, how to activate it, or anything. In fact, the thing mentioned in the title is such a niche thing in a niche location that most people will miss it, and can only be activated if you do this niche sidequest in a very specific way. You pretty much have to try to do it (assuming you even discover it in the first place - again, it’s easily missable).

    On top of that, this is something you can trigger within the first half-hour of the game if you tried. It’s firmly in Act 1. It has nothing to do with the story, it’s just a place you can find early on.

    Should I mention that this same act of the game has a wizard’s tower in it? Oh, no! Spoilers! A fantasy DnD game has a wizard tower! Hopefully there are no voice lines in there!