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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • How could step one be anything besides the store taking a 2€ minus on their spreadsheet, instead of stopping flights. So many ways to hide a ceramic knife instead of a stupid pair of scissors uselessly incapable of doing anything on a plane.

    All of these “security theatre” measures are just pure incompetence institutionalized due to 911, that managed to do nothing, just some security equipment manufacturers rich, and plane clients quite annoyed.

    Hell, derailing a train would cause more human life / infrastructure damage, than a potential “guy has sharp object and cant do shit to the plane piloting” shit boomers are somehow still, in their old age, surprisingly afraid of.

    Cars, trains, trucks all move freely, but somehow planes are terrified of extremely remote chance of bad actors trying to make a 911-esque political statement? (Because it’s about the fanfare not actual damage, mooost buildings are much less secure than people would think)

  • I think it is worth reading the actual discussion on github. Having votes public and having them visibly public on the web interface has compelling reasons. Namely enshittification hardening.

    It’s also quite natural to stand by your words (or vote). I personally don’t think people should feel like the internet is their anonimized alt character of life. And if they need/want that, just do a throwaway account and hard vpn. Otherwise NSA (or equivalents) track us anyway.

  • Ah, that is quite interesting… I didnt know about this. However, you should note that it was a recurring idea by many countries (whether Madagascar, or some other region), due to the Jewish diaspora which was culturally incongruent.

    The nazis were instead fanatical, and aside from directly targeting jews with extreme hate, attacks, the “final solution” was drawn up and relentlessly pursued throughout the war. I havent read up whether its idea origins are somewhere in 1935-1939, but I would assume so.

  • I was agreeing with you… In the part that criminalization increases social isolation… It was just a remark towards @Sweetpeaches69, who tries reductio-ad-absurdum, which for weed (like any substance) has negative effects on the body, and mind (and in it’s specific case the mixture of the two - brain).

    I was mostly trying to tell about the biggest impact of weed I can see (and so I write) is the use during difficult times in life (nobody became an addict out of a fulfilling and good life, fairly sure it is a saying even in English?) can exacerbate life problems.