Could you elaborate? I too would also like to sleep at night.
Could you elaborate? I too would also like to sleep at night.
Anyone seen some of the promo videos for Forever California? Nothing radicalized me more than hearing a business pitch talking about how progress is being hindered by ‘legacy systems of governance’ Hell yeah they absolutely without a doubt want to make company towns again and pitch it like a new idea and sidestep democratic governments.
I mean…yeah like Jaron Lanier warned about technocracy being distasteful of democracy in one half a manifesto which was published in 2000 I believe. And anyone who was on 4chan before 2016 would know about /lit/ recommends on nick land and moldbug saying nerds will be new techno philosopher kings replacing democracy with some fever dream of digital feudalism, but you could be talking about this stuff since 2000 and peoples eyes would still glaze over. It’s late? People still don’t even seem to care even though they bitch about centralized platforms. People still think you’re just over exaggerating or weird for saying social media owned by corporations is giving corporations way too much power over public discourse and culture.
I remember seeing an interview with him and he had the most expensive TV he could find in his mansion but he never watched it, and that was the perfect summary of his values to me - vapidly pursuing status while not actually being fulfilled in the slightest.