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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That’s part of it but the deeper question is why are people more sedentary? Why do people eat more often?

    What is it about our society that promotes eating more processed foods?

    My feelings are that food for many people is a sedative for a stressful life. Sugar is a great drug to make you feel good temporarily.

    Then there is very little quality education around good nutrition and cooking in the US. Most people just take what the learned from their parents and go with it. And if their parents weren’t food smart then they probably will not be either.

    there is a lot more to the obesity epidemic than just “stop eating so much”

  • Yep. Nothing changes because the people that have the power to make the changes don’t want to. The system as it is right now works for them. So why the hell would they want to change that? And most of them won’t be around to see the devastation so there is another level of apathy to all of it.

    We can’t get out from underneath this monster it’s too late for that. But I hope that we can start putting people into power that are genuinely concerned about this climate crisis and start the true (massive) step to moving us off the path to total uninhabitability