I do a lot of photography and I share it on my deviant art page.

It’s SFW, don’t worry.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • It was a very long day that started with a nice easy plan that quickly turned into “Which POS part is preventing this thing from working”

    Fun fact it was the motherboard. Though it wasn’t a consistent issue sometimes it was RAM failing, sometimes it was pcie not working, sometimes it was networking not working, etc. After swapping the motherboard everything worked beautifully.

    Yes we tried reseating the CPU, yes we checked for bent pins, yes we made sure the cables were secure. Something was fucky with the motherboard.

  • I’ve used mine for a lot of stuff really

    Weaken adhesive for opening a cell phone (like your picture)

    Revive a Nexus 5X long enough to patch it and transfer the data off of it (a really frustrating process BTW)

    Heat treat resin prints (place print in box, set box on bed, set bed to 80C, come back in an hour, turn bed off, wait for it to hit ambient, remove box) this process is great for hollowed prints as not only will it cause and trapped alcohol to evaporate out but it will further cure the part and increase the durability of the part as well (CNC Kitchen has a great vid on it)

    Keep my coffee warm while I was building and setting up a NAS for a friend

  • Lychee Slicer (slicer used for resin printing) is usually pretty good but sometimes it’ll still fail

    Which basically means I’d have 2 choices, go in there manually with Blender or fire up Windows 3D Builder and let it work it’s magic

    I haven’t fully given up on trying to find a way to get it to work on Linux but I’ve had to take a break from trying purely due to frustration